Mathematical Language
Junior Infants:
sort object colour
same as, match/mark, join same length, weight, height
big, bigger etc, tall heavier etc full, empty, ‘holds’ small
long, all terms re. Time, moving etc. to, from, before, after
short – lighter, lightest early, late set
curved, round, inside, above more, less few/fewer, others straight, corner, outside, below
too many, enough circle, rectangle, square roll, stacked
how many more? Who? How? Why? Pattern
first, second, third etc. zero coins,
shape numerals one, two etc. how much
Senior Infants as Junior Infants: plus the following:
compare least most, heaviest, etc
add same as how far/how far more?
greater than/less than money break up groups
high, low count on / back wide narrow
today, yesterday, tomorrow thick/thin months, seasons
days of week etc. holds more than/less than o’clock
holds most/least/the same over, under, on, in, open, amount
joined, between, next to closed how long, short, heavy
straight charts, measure
out, front, back, high low subtract/take away, go back copy
around, 3D shapes, names, words for numerals
number strip
1st Class: as infants plus the following:
less, more, addition, missing numeral
number subtraction make the same as
smaller, greater rest of them single digit
take away measure centimetre
how many more change group, order
days of week tens/ones/unit calendar
between months subtract, steps
clock, make tens half past
problem dienes blocks abacus
circle, square, rectangle graph bar chart
triangle, side, corner cube, cuboid, pyramid pictogram
faces, edges sphere, cylinder, cone counting in 2’s etc.
left over magic square symmetry
number line 100 square capacity
fraction odd, even.
2nd Class: as 1st plus the following:
missing numbers half quarters forward, backwards
shaded set rename place value
in order grid add, group
metre, centimetre sign difference between
hundred decimetre counting
shaped base 10’s etc. distance
number sentence minutes/hours, quarter past/to different
digital code midnight
subtract midday magic square
timetable seasons 2D, 3D hexagon
tessellate a.m. p.m. pictogram
prism, cuboid, cylinder black graph.
3rd Class: as 2nd plus the following:
Symmetry covering area
Language of division and multiplication mathematic sentence versus written 2X3 = 6
Divide,/divided by/division etc. capacity/liquid/litres, kls
Product weight – grammes / kgs
Factors length – metres, cms, mms.
Set pictogramme
Angle, right angle, horizontal, vertical, diagonals decimal
Rectangle, cuboid, triangle, perimeter fractions – halves, quarters
4th Class: as 3rd plus the following:
division and multiplication – estimate, remainder mnore/less. Litre, millilitres
quantity into, by, from, under, value, more, less
weight shapes
G. kg. Light, lighter, etc. heavy objects. Horizontal, vertical, sloping, parallel, congruent,
Pointed, straight, square, solid, angle, acute, half, quarter, eighth etc/divide, shade, frame,
Obtuse etc. figure.
5th & 6th Class: as 4th plus the following:
fractions shapes,
percentage octagon,
area rhombus, quadrilateral,
length, width, surface, diameter oval, polygon
circumference, radius, base, perpendicular height, 3D – cylinder – sphere, cone, cube, cuboid, pyramid
axis, reflection, image, parallel, triangular prism, tetrahedron
protractor. rotation, symmetrical
Language of Number Operations / Vowels of Maths
more than total minus decrease
and sum of less than
add increase
difference take away
square multiply
power of times division
product of of give divide
how many split
share group
same as
answer is will be