Book List 2018/2019
Please purchase the following books:
Gaeilge: Foclóir Gaeilge/ Bearla English/ Irish (O Siochfhradh- An Comhlacht Oideachais)
English: Collins Pocket English Dictionary (Blue and Red Cover). Please try to purchase the correct dictionary as it its easier in class if everyone has the same one
Write Here Book H Cursive Style
Maths: Time for Tables (Edco – Should have already)
Master Your Maths 4th Class (CJ Fallon)
Book Rental Scheme
Books available from the book rental scheme:
English: Collins Big Cat Reading Series
Giants, Fishbones and Chocolate
Reading Zone 4
Novel: Stanley
Maths: Cracking Maths 4
Mathemagic 4
Gaeilge: Abair Liom 4
SESE/SPHE: Window on the World 4
Earthlink 4
Science Quest
Religion: Grow in Love
*Any rental books that are lost or damaged must be replaced
*The 80 Euro due will cover book rental, insurance, art & craft & photocopying costs and digital resorces
*Please label all your daughter`s belongings clearly.
Other Requirments
88 page copies x10
88 page sum copies x2
1 Spiral A5 Note book
Blue and red biros
pencils, Sharpeners and erasers
A4 60 page display book
30cms ruler
Small scissors
Glue Stick
A3 Art display book
Earphones not headphones for iPad use
No Tippex